Charleston, S.C. (Jan 8, 2008) – Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D) will speak on the College of Charleston campus on January 10, 2008 as part of the College of Charleston’s Bully Pulpit Series.
Senator Obama is the third presidential candidate to speak in this series, which invites the individual presidential candidates to speak with students and Charleston community members.
The event will take place at College of Charleston’s Cistern Yard on January 10, 2008. Gates for this event will open at 11:00am. A ticket is required for entrance. Tickets will be available for students at no charge at the information desk on the first floor of the Stern Student Center on the College of Charleston campus. Tickets cannot be reserved via phone call or e-mail contact.
As part of this non-partisan series, an equal number of presidential candidates from the two major political parties have been invited to the College of Charleston campus. U.S. Senator John McCain (R) and U.S. Representative Ron Paul (R) participated in the Bully Pulpit Series in 2007.
“The Bully Pulpit series is a unique forum for Presidential candidates to talk with our students and the greater Charleston community,” said George Benson, President of the College of Charleston. “The College is looking forward to hosting this series and offering our students an opportunity to learn from some of the most prominent figures in American politics.”
“We are pleased to have Senator Obama come to our campus,” said Brian McGee, chairman of the Department of Communication at the College of Charleston. “The series is devoted to a subject often neglected during the Presidential campaign: How a successful candidate, if elected, will use the ‘bully pulpit’ powers of the presidency to inform, persuade and mobilize the American people.”
The Bully Pulpit Series at the College of Charleston is a joint effort of the College’s Department of Communication and the Department of Communication Advisory Council. Each event in the series offers students and faculty the opportunity to analyze the ideas of each candidate.
Following Senator Obama’s appearance, the College of Charleston will offer the opportunity to subscribe to podcasts, permitting listeners to download the relevant audio from each candidate’s appearance to their computer or MP3 player. Video portions of the appearance also will be streamed following the event.
To provide further opportunities for analysis of the candidate's appearance, the College of Charleston has invited Augustana College in Rock Island, IL, to collaborate with them in discussions of the candidates' responses. The College of Charleston will provide a complete video recording of this event to the Department of Speech Communication at Augustana College. Augustana student and faculty feedback will be reported as part of the follow-up to Senator Obama's appearance.
Visit for further information and updates on the presidential candidates participating in The Bully Pulpit Series.
We were excited to be a part of the college's Bully Pulpit Series, but would hope to see more organization with ticketing, security, and line management in the future.We waited in line several hours only to have many large groups cut in front of us as the gates were opened. Also,we understood that you would not be able to obtain tickets online for this event, yet while waiting in line to enter we were told by many people that they obtained tickets online. Many students we know personally waited in a long line to obtain their tickets and were disappointed to hear they could have just printed one up.
Bravo!! to the Communications Department for putting this important and educational series together!! Looking forward to seeing more of these events in the future!
Thanks very much to cofcparent for your support of the Bully Pulpit Series!
We will try to apply the lessons learned from this event to the organization of future events. In the meantime, we promise we never told anyone that tickets only were available from the College of Charleston, and the Obama campaign Web site always had directions for how community members could acquire tickets, including a limited supply of e-tickets.
The lead roles for ticketing, line management, and some security issues were played by the Obama campaign. I will convey your concerns to all of our personnel and the campaign personnel who were involved. I am sure the Obama campaign volunteers and the College of Charleston student volunteers (two different groups) did their very best, but we are eager to improve our processes, and I'm certain the Obama campaign professionals would agree.
My thanks to all those volunteers, police, Secret Service agents, College of Charleston employees, and the many others who have contributed to the success of the Bully Pulpit Series, which has brought both Republican and Democratic presidential candidates to our students and the larger community.
Brian McGee
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